Thursday, October 3, 2013

Mighty Muffins

I've always loved to cook.
I read recipes while I should be paying attention in class,
I fantasize about my upcoming meals,
Cooking makes me feel sunny-
Allowing me to explore my creativity and express myself-not to mention making people (namely, myself) happy thru my food  is highly gratifying-

Baking, on the other hand, never held my interest so much-
I crave more salty than sweet, and 
Following strict instructions never appealed to me, when in the kitchen that is-

Yet, I find myself doing it these days-
I was wrong.
You can have fun with baking!
True, the oven makes the apartment 20 degrees too hot, but the product is worth the sweat (and even Adam's grouchy over-heated attitude)

So when I came home from school today, and was not prepared to start studying (eek!)
I took out a silver mixing bowl and a wooden spoon and took a look around:
Not much in the fridge, nor the pantry.
But we did have eggs, and almond milk, and greek yogurt-and don't you know it says so right on the label-replace butter with the Chobani! Happily! I mean, this is supposed to be a healthy food blog right?

Some pecans and chopped up dates later-we had a batter-
Oh mother flour-
I need flour.

So mostly wheat flour, and when that ran out: corn meal (i do enjoy that bit of gritty texture corn meal provides)...
And a few spoonfuls of Flax Meal.
Flax is an excellent source of Health-Let's discuss.
A) Lignans. Flax literally has 75-800 times as much lignans than any other plant food! Just think about all those antioxidants! think about if you ate flax with blueberries: you'd live forever.
B) Fiber-both insoluble and soluble. We all know how insoluble fiber is real effective for the digestive system-but soluble fiber?  I just learned how soluble fiber is effective in maintaining blood glucose levels-which is perfect for me because my blood sugar drops rapidly and unexpectedly and I get cranky-so any day I can maintain my blood sugar is a good one ;)
C) Omega 3s-the good fat-no, not an oxymoron, silly! 
Baked at 350 'till i could stick a tooth pick in the center and have it come out dry-
And Bam!
But it just wasn't quite right...

So I sliced 'em open, layered some reduced fat cream cheese (the kind that comes nearly solidified in a brick-the texture is far superior to that in a tub)
And Bam!
I'll be eating and enjoying these for days to come-