Saturday, April 16, 2011

There's Something About Noodles

There is something about lately that has made me in the mood for noodles-
Not only do i love saying the word noodles (what a jolly, silly word, nooooodles)
but theyre comforting, and fun to twirl around your fork

That night, i couldn't have a huge, stuffing meal and fall into a food coma, like i so love to do-
i needed to stay focused-get some real studying done later on

When I was strolling through the Safeway I spotted the Soyrizo-I had just watched a Hungry Girl video a few days ago where she used soy-chorizo in a healthy, mexican pizza
And so, Dinner was Born:

Cabbage Noodles with Soyrizo Bolognese

Carmelized onions with paprika paste/salt
Big can of tomatoes in basil, fresh sage and thyme, chicken bouillon, 2:1 sweet(edes):hot (eros) Hungarian paprika, lemon, Maggi, salt, and soyrizo

Cabbage Noodles:
I used savoy cabbage to add a bit more texta-
and simply took a leaf and sliced it long-ways to produce a ton of long, slender cabbage noodles and added them to the pot-where everything continued to stew 

When the noodles went nice and limp, i dove on in!

It was a crafty dish-
and yea
it tasted damn good.

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